Apr 2, 2013

The aspirations of a seventeen year old

Today is my birthday and I have now officially turned 17.

It's scary to think that you've been on the world for so long but it feels like only yesterday that I was walking to the nursery with my mother. It dawns on me that I have missed so many opportunities, one of my aspirations is to be an actor. But being an actor in this modern world is such a risk because you never know if you'll find a job or be good enough in the competition.
My dream is to travel the world and be a well-known actor but my parents would prefer me to be a teacher. It's hard, they want to support me but they see the reality of the situation, I may not be as successful as I want to be. I can't see myself living a normal life, not that there is anything wrong with it, it's just that I want something more.

My life is a risk, it will always be. If you aren't taking risks you will never push yourself to be the greatest you can be. If I pay the price it will be on my head, at least I can say I tried, at least I will say I never gave up.

Another subject I want to touch on is self worth and friendship.
Most of my life I have been very insecure due to bullying and other factors, I won't deny that or forget it because it's a part of my life and it shaped who I am today. However, I find it really hard to trust people, most people may think I trust them but I will only tell them certain things about my life. It's a mechanism and a  barrier that most people have in order to protect themselves from getting hurt. I have never stayed with the same friendship group for more than 2 years. It's hard to tell who actually likes you and who doesn't, I used to put up with friends having digs at me and calling me names but now I've got to a point where I realize that I shouldn't put up with that, I deserve better.
Everyone deserves better, to have amazing friends that will be there for you during the low's and high's. If you are nice and compassionate towards people then you deserve the same back, you shouldn't put up with anything less. Over the past couple of months I have realized who the bad people in my life are and to be truly honest they don't deserve half of the things I have done for them. Finding the bad people in your life makes you realize who are the ones that are always there for you, I have some amazing friends and I wouldn't swap them for the world. Adolescence is hard, growing up is hard but with the right friends the darkest days can seem bright.

Treat others how you would like to be treated. Love until you have no more love left to give.   Never accept anything better than what you deserve. And live everyday as if it was your last

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