Jun 16, 2013

Follow your own path

There is something about life that is so empty and sad, yet at the same time you can appreciate its beauty. A song, a lyric, a sound, a quote, a friend, a family, an action or even a lack of action can trigger something within us that makes us think and question the smallest things we take for granted. It feels as if, the more you live your life, the more heartbreak and questions you have.  But no matter what, we still find hope in the smallest things, even when all the odds are against those that pray for things to get better.

There is an emptiness that grows within us, but without that emptiness and that curiosity, we’d be nothing. The thing that makes us question the world is the thing that keeps us going. If you’re reading this and question your life and your aspirations, just remember, do it in your time and do it your way, those you admire followed their own path to get where they are today, not the path of others.
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Jun 11, 2013

Poem for the living dead

An eternal curse turns my emotions to stone
An identity lost deep down in my bones
Family is a delusion, Home is a myth
Young, on the run, filled with emptiness

Fairy tales are nothing but dreams
Love is nothing but fantasy
If I could be who I want to be
Acceptance would be my sanity

As glass shards cut deep
I realize that you don’t shed tears for me
Deception is perfection
 So do you trust what you see?

An eternal curse turns my emotions to stone
Lost and lonely, have nowhere to go
Family is a delusion, Home is a myth
Alone, living dead, filled with bitterness

Jun 1, 2013

Deception for protection

Why is that we always chase for something we simply cannot have?
 It’s as if it’s in our human nature to always be left unsatisfied and unhappy with whatever we do.

From a young age I always thought that as you grew older, you’d become more happy and satisfied with the life you live. That your aspirations would become reality, that you’d fall in love, that you’d become attractive and all your insecurities would slowly disappear. But no, that’s just the delusion you tell yourself to get through the dark days, nothing is ever that simple and easy.

Although life isn't constantly doom and gloom; friends and family are there to support and guide you through life. But what if the life you were living, was a lie? What if you've been living life as an alter ego, a character that would prevent the outside world from seeing the real you? Does that mean your whole life is built around a lie? 

Many would ask why, why lie?
To protect yourself from your inner most fears, loneliness and isolation. What if you were scared of being alone, having to listen to the voices inside your head, where insecurities echo and guilt manifests itself. But if they told you who they were and what they had done, you would judge them. You can deny and reassure the person that you aren't, but deep down....you are. We have no time to understand one another, we are too selfish and caught up in our own mess to take the time and understand life from someone else’s perspective. You can try to deny this concept, but you never will. As a race we are hypocritical, manipulative, when given the opportunity we will do anything to better our lives over the lives of others. You say you are a kind person, but in the last year have you thought or called someone: fat, a bitch, whore, slut, gay, lesbian, cunt, twat, arrogant, annoying?
You can say or think no, but who are you trying to fool?
Not saying that it’s right.
But it’s true.

So although I have rambled on about my ideas and feeling, you might be wondering... am I talking about myself? Do I (the writer) have an alter-ego or a character that I live my everyday life as.
Well, that would be telling. I am just writing down my thoughts. But ask yourself this, do you really know who your friends are? Do you really know who your Mother/Father/Sister/Brother/Cousin/Best Friend is?